H2020 Transport: 2016 calls now open for submissions

EU funding opportunities

In the framework of the Smart, green and integrated transport challenge, the submission period for 2016 calls is now open after the official publication of all Horizon 2020 Work Programmes 2016-2017.

The main highlights of the new Transport WP 2016-2017 include: a new call on Automation in road transport; the introduction of a new R&I area on Safety; more emphasis on the R&I area on Socio-economic and behavioural research and forward-looking activities; the establishment of two inducement prizes for the “Cleanest engine”; a strengthened international cooperation in many selected topics (e.g.: US, China, Brazil, Africa).

The overall budget allocated by the European Commission is 938 million euro, of which 450 million have been earmarked for the year 2016.
The funds will be divided over a total number of 55 topics, each of them pertaining to one of the three main calls: Mobility for Growth, Automated Road Transport and Green Vehicles.

Call “Mobility for Growth” (H2020-MG-2016-17)

The indicative budget amounts to 434 million euro (210 million in 2016).

This call consists of 8 technical areas and 36 topics addressing:

Mode-specific challenges: 1) Aviation; 2) Waterborne;
Cross-modal / transport integration challenges: 3) Safety; 4) Urban; 5) Logistics; 6) Intelligent Transport Systems; 7) Infrastructure;
Cross-cutting issues: 8) Socio-economic and behavioural research and forward-looking activities for policy making.

The deadlines for the submission of projects are:

20 January 2016 (1st stage proposals)
26 January 2016 (single stage proposals)
29 September 2016 (2ndstage proposals)

Call ”Automated Road Transport” (H2020-ART-2016-17)

The overall budget is 114 million (64 million in 2016).
This call comprises 7 topics addressing technical and non-technical challenges, and provide opportunities of cooperation with twinning projects in the US.
The same deadlines for the previous call apply.

Call ”Green Vehicles” (H2020-GV-2016-17)

The total budget amounts to 206.5 million euro (78.5 million in 2016).
The call consists of 12 topics supporting the development of low-carbon vehicles.
A single stage procedure is foreseen for all topics, therefore the deadline for submitting proposals is 26 January 2016.

Other funding initiatives undertaken by the European Commission in the field of Transport are the two inducement prizes for the “Cleanest engine”.

The challenge to be tackled is the development of technologies capable of reducing the emissions of pollutants in real driving conditions.
The scope is related to existing fleet (retrofit technology), as well as to future vehicles.
The target audience are individuals, SMEs, research centres, universities, suppliers of components, car manufacturers that can develop innovative solutions while finding new opportunities for the creation of jobs and growth.
The specific rules of the contest will be published early in 2016, with the opening of the awards.

Further activities will be launched under the ELENA (European Local Energy Assistance) Facility, which gives support to investment projects and programmes in the area of urban transport and mobility.

As provided in the Transport Work Programme, the ELENA facility will been implemented in 2016 as a pilot. Possible continuation and adjustments in 2017 will take into account lessons learnt in 2016 (for more details about ELENA, see SC 3 Energy WP – topic 27 “Other activities”).

All information and official documents regarding the H2020 Transport calls are available on the relevant sections of the Participant Portal.

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