BeInclusive EU Sport Awards 2024
EU funding opportunities 17 June 2024Estimated time of reading: ~ 2 minutes
As part of the Erasmus+ programme, a new call for applications for the #BeInclusive EU Sport Awards has been launched and it is open until 25 September 2024.
The #BeInclusive EU Sport Awards aim to give visibility to the best projects that have successfully achieved inclusion through sport. Projects may involve disadvantaged, underprivileged or marginalised groups, i.e. individuals with a difficult social, economic or educational background, as well as people with disabilities, health problems or cultural differences, such as migrants, refugees, people belonging to ethnic minorities or suffering from geographical barriers. In addition to rewarding specific organisations, the awarding of the awards will give visibility and support the dissemination of innovative ideas, initiatives and good practices across Europe.
The awards features three categories:
Promoting gender equality in sport award: This category is for projects promoting the empowerment and participation of women and girls in sport. It aims to celebrate the role models who make gender equality a reality, offering an inspiring example.
Sport for Peace award: This category recognises projects that use sport as a vehicle to promote peace and European values. In particular, it focuses on initiatives aimed at promoting the inclusion of refugees, such as in the context of the war in Ukraine.
Breaking barriers in sport award: This category is for sports projects addressing societal challenges and support disadvantaged groups, such as ethnic minorities, people with disabilities or vulnerable young people.
The global budget is 45000 EUR For each category, a winner and 2 finalists (2nd and 3rd place) will be awarded, who will receive a cash sum of €10,000 (the winner) and €2,500 (each of the 2 finalists) respectively.
The competition is open to any organisation or public authority that has successfully implemented a sports project geared towards inclusion in EU Member States or countries associated to the Erasmus+ programme.
The submitted project does not necessarily have to be transnational or supported by the EU. Projects that are still under development and have not yet been implemented are not eligible.
Deadline for submission: 25 September 2024
Official documents available here
Written by: Margherita Genua