Migration and its future


If you type “new world order and migration” on Google searching bar you will find many conspiratorial videos and articles about theories on how migration is used as tool to manipulate and change our destiny especially in “Western World”.

Here we will not spend our time trying to demonstrate why, or why not, they are, or not, reliable. Some of you could may say: “so, why are you talking about that?”. What is interesting here is that migration is, at least, perceived by hundreds millions people as a very powerful running factor able to affect our future development.

Last time we were asking, focused on EU upcoming elections, how could be possible that something has always existed has just recently become so important.

When did migration become a thing?

Could be a perception matter? It could be just a matter of perception? Of course not.

Why? Couse quite probably people do not have hallucinations but they are giving an (wrong?) evaluation about something. Evaluation affected, no matters who you are, by the perception each of us have about what he\she is observing.

That means there is a fact. Migrations are a fact. They exist. They always existed and they not just affect human beings but also animals. Sounds weird? Could be, but those are facts.

Without taking into account theories about human beings replacing human beings what matters could be: in the next future, who will migrate? To go where? Why? But we cannot consider these questions separately.

The first question brings with itself other questions. Who means also how many. Not just a passport matter. A huge number of migrants is different from a small one.

Where is important too: which countries are chosen by migrants? Why that ones and no other ones? They migrate far or close from their origin countries? How do they choose it?

Last but not least, why? It could seem an easy question to be answered. From a poor place to a richer one. No poverty no migration? Could it work in this way? And what about climate change? Does it “just” make poorer who is already poor or it makes new poor?

All these questions give us an idea about the complexity of migration: indeed, there is not just one single migration flow affecting places A and B and there is not just one reason, factor, because people migrate.

And it doesn’t affect just Africa and Europe. Migration within China, between China and Russia, from center and southern American countries to U.S., from southern Asian countries towards Australia. Many flows, with (maybe) different meanings.

But the most important migration feature it’s another and we should take it into account when we think how to manage it: you cannot stop it.

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