The new URBACT Call is open now

EU funding opportunities

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The new URBACT call for Good Practices is open until 30 June! The call aims to identify Good Practices implemented by European cities, that have positive impact at local level and transferable to other EU cities. European cities are invited to submit the integrated and sustainable urban development actions they have successfully implemented, so to become an Urbact Good Practice, which can be transferred to other cities facing similar situations.

The Mission of the URBACT programme is to help cities develop sustainable and integrated policies for urban challenges, through networking activities, capacity-building activities, and knowledge sharing and communication activities.

The good practices awarded through this call must have been implemented by cities and fall under any area relevant to urban development (economic development, social inclusion, green transition, energy transition, digital transition, gender equality, cultural heritage, migration, urban renewal, etc.).

Applications receiving the Urbact Good Practice label will gain promotion through multiple channels:

  • An URBACT City Festival, from 8 to 10 April 2025 in Wroclaw, Poland, in the framework of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. All selected cities will participate and have the opportunity to network with European and local policymakers. The event will allow the matchmaking of partners for the upcoming Transfer Networks call for proposals, which will open in early 2025.
  • A series of promotional activities highlighting selected good practices:
  • Dissemination through the European Commission’s channels and the external communication channels of the Regional and Urban Policy DG: Panorama, Inforegio and RegioFlash, Portico Urban Practices website;
  • European and international public events where representatives of good practices will act as advocates for integrated and sustainable urban development (e.g. the European Week of Regions and Cities).
  • In addition, the selected good practices will have the opportunity to act as a lead partner in the URBACT Transfer Networks call to be launched in the first part of 2025 and, if selected, will be able to transfer the knowledge and know-how gained to other European cities, guide the process of understanding, adapting and reusing good practice, and refine and improve their methodology through peer reviews and with the support of an URBACT expert.

All the cities from the 27 EU states are eligible, as well as Norway and Switzerland; for the first time, also countries benefiting from the pre-accession instrument as well as, Ukraine and Moldova, can submit their good practices.

More information on how to submit the application is available here.

Written by: Margherita Genua

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