Artificial Intellingence: Europe cooperates with US to face the challenges


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The Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions are coming to Europe and it is time to get ready for the near future. 

The AI is both an opportunity and a risk. For this reason, EU and US signed an “Administrative Arrangement on Artificial Intelligence and computing to address global challenges for the public good in the fields of climate change, natural disasters, healthcare, energy and agriculture.

On 27th of January 2023 the United States Department of State and the Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG Connect) of the European Commission signed an “Administrative Arrangement on Artificial Intelligence for the Public Good” at a virtual ceremony held simultaneously at the White House in Washington DC and in DG Connect, Brussels.

“Today, we are strengthening our cooperation with the US on artificial intelligence and computing to address global challenges, from climate change to natural disasters. Based on common values and interests, EU and US researchers will join forces to develop societal applications of AI and will work with other international partners for a truly global impact”, Thierry Breton, Commissioner for Internal Market, said.

The agreement is based on the principles expressed in the Declaration for the Future of the Internet and “the shared interests and values of using emerging digital technologies to address global challenges”. 

It will be implemented by US and EU institutions and agencies working in the Artificial Intelligence area.

A stronger collaboration on research will support to “identify and further develop promising AI research results that have the potential for broad societal benefits in areas ranging from climate change, natural disasters, health and medicine, electric grid optimisation to agriculture”, the EU Commission explains.

According to the European Commission “AI will play an increasingly important role for prediction and simulation, which will help for disaster preparedness and emergency response to extreme weather and natural disasters such as floods or fires that are becoming more common and destructive across the globe”. 

AI research and computing has the potential to “greatly improve crop yields, efficiency and sustainability thanks to analysis and modelling of natural conditions such as soil and atmospheric conditions, bird and insect trends, as well as planting, irrigation, pesticide and fertilizer use and harvesting cycles”, EU Commission affirms. 

It seems that AI is already boosting medical research, diagnostics and treatment. 

“While the recent pandemic has reinforced the need for a truly global approach, it has also highlighted the divide between countries”, Brussels said.

The European Commission conlcudes that “to reduce this divide, this agreement will also aim to share findings and resources with international partners that share common values but lack relevant capabilities to help them manage such emergencies and challenges”.

Written by: Irene Giuntella

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